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What are Paperpots

The efficient paper-made seedling trays

Paperpots are single-use, foldable seedling trays made of paper. They have high air and water permeability, enabling excellent and uniform seedling growth. Seedlings grown in paperpots can be transplanted directly into the ground without removing the seedling from the paperpot. This minimizes root damage and transplanting work can be done more efficiently. 60 years after its development for sugar beet, Nitten is the first and still the only manufacturer of paperpots in the world.

Our Transplanting System

The unique tool for seeding, growing, and transplanting

This is Nitten’s original system that starts with growing seedling in chainpots and transplanting them with a human-powered paperpot transplanter. The paper nursery pots are connected in one chain to be transplanted quickly with a paperpot transplanter. It is a highly effective tool that cuts a furrow, transplants, covers the seedling with soil, and presses the soil around the seedlings all at once. While large tractor-drawn machines are widely used to also achieve these tasks, our transplanting system is the only tool in the world that accomplishes time and labor-savings without the use of mechanical power (fossil fuels).

plant product
less time

Less Time

The paperpot transplanter cuts the furrow, transplants, covers the seedling, and compacts the soil all at once. In the case of CP303, the paper chain pot with 5 cm between plants, it takes only 30 seconds to transplant 264 plants.

less labor

Less Labor

The paperpot transplanter is easy to operate and can be handled by anyone. The labor and time required for transplanting are greatly reduced compared to hand-transplanting by workers.

less environmental impact

Less Environmental Impact

The paperpot transplanter is a human-powered machine with no engine or motor and paperpots are made of paper. They help you to reduce the carbon footprint emitted by your farm.

less maintenance

Less Maintenance

The paperpot transplanter is a simple tool without any mechanical or electrical mechanisms. It does not need to be repaired regularly as long as it is kept clean.

Our Story

The unique tool for seeding, growing, and transplanting

Nitten (officially, Nippon Beet Sugar Manufacturing Co., Ltd.), is Japan’s leading manufacturer of beet sugar from domestically produced raw materials with a history of over 100 years. Founded in 1919, we now have about 800 employees and 3 sugar mills on the northern island of Hokkaido.

It was in 1961 that the first paperpots were developed for sugar beets. In the cold climate of Hokkaido, the short growing season resulted in poor yields. In order to produce more beets, transplanting was studied as a solution. The average yield at the time had been 25 tons/hectare. After introducing transplanting with paperpots, 50 tons/hectare was achieved in large field trials. Along with the development of transplanting machinery, the use of paperpots spread rapidly, and was a major contributing factor to the success of sugar beet farmers and associated agricultural industries. Sugar beets became an important part of the crop rotation system in Hokkaido.

Following the development of paperpots for sugar beets, new types were launched for other crops. Then, in response to the trend toward mechanization, the chainpots and the paperpot transplanter were invented.

The first chainpots, CP303, that has one long chain of 264 plants, takes only 30 seconds to be planted with the paperpot transplanter. It is the only tool in the world that achieves such time and labor-savings without the use of mechanical (fossil fuel) power.
Since its launch in 1992, our transplanting system has been met with surprise and excitement by farms around the world.

100 years since its establishment and 60 years since the development of the first paperpots, Nitten has been focusing on creating products from a farmer’s perspective with the goal of contributing to the advancement of the agricultural industry. In this age of change, where sustainability must be the goal for every action, the role that paper materials and non-powered machinery can play is significant.

In order to contribute to the future agriculture, our mission is to introduce innovative, inspiring technologies that help farmers achieve greater efficiency and profitability. Additionally, we want to promote the image of farming as being “cool and exciting.”

With our long history and experience with technology development, Nitten will keep moving forward for the next 100 years and beyond.


We are certified by
Certified by WSDA (Washington States Department of Agriculture) for use in organic crop production.

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